Building Our Community

We work with a variety of companies, non-profit organizations, and platforms to help launch and scale their businesses
as well as better service their artists, creators, and clientele.
We are fortunate to have worked (or be currently working) with some great organizations and individuals who share our core values and philosophy. From our perspective, our clients are our partners. We become an extension of their brands and teams as facilitators of their projects. Our goal is to bring their vision(s) to life. With their help building a community of those who think outside the box and color outside the lines, we hope to continue to engage in great work and quality deliverables for the artists, creators, disruptors and innovators we serve.

What Our Clients Have to Say

Local Engagements

We believe creators should be able to live wherever they want (i.e. not always Nashville, New York or LA). We want to make jobs and networking opportunities accessible for people to engage in their own community and it starts with us doing so in ours. If you live in Idaho and want to engage in a community of those within film, gaming and music, please join the Boise Music Collective groups on Facebook or LinkedIn. Let’s help grassroot upstart your projects.

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